Piotr Wyrzykowski aka Peter Style (Poland)
The presentation will focus on CUKT 's most recent project Citizens Electoral
System that set out to establish an electronic democracy in Poland -a
computer realisation of the idea of electronic democracy, a socio-political
system in which all citizens will be able to actively undertake decisions
crucial for the state 's and
nation 's future.
The Citizen 's Electoral System [osw ] has been created and promoted to
facilitate Victoria Cukt 's (a virtual candidate of CUKT) successful running for
the post of the President of the Polish Republic.The Victoria Cukt Party was set
up by members of the C.U.K.T to run a political campaign for Victoria CUKT.
We have had phone calls:twice from the President 's office,a few from different ministries.They wanted to know if it really was an Electoral Bureau.What could we say?
It is for real!...
A group of people united in C.U.K.T./Central Office for Technical Culture/have
conceived the idea that the best candidate for the President of Poland will not
be a politician since we all know what they are like, but a virtual person who
will have chance not only to get electorate votes but to transform Poland into a
Technical Culture Tiger